Ashtanga Yoga Intensive Week
The Personal is Political: How Yoga is Political
+ Why? Debates Miss the Mark on Privilege + Bias
A Five Day Workshop
June 24 – 28, 2025
Yoga Roots Odeceixe, Portugal
Join Petri Räisänen and Wambui Njuguna-Räisänen workshops at Yoga Roots Odeceixe, Portugal. The shala is located in the middle of the picturesque and peaceful village on R. Estr. Nacional 1, 8670-320 Odeceixe, Portugal. You cannot miss it (Google maps).
Please read more about the Odeceixe and around, accommodations, markets, food, how to get there and activities in Algarve
Praia de Odeceixe Yoga Roots Odeceixe
Registration, Payment, Class options, Schedule and Questions:
All registrations, questions and further info through praisanen@yahoo.com and/or info@wambuinjuguna.com
To secure your registration, please pay the workshop to the Yoga Roots Odeceixe bank account. The bank codes and information about the payments and payment options you will find from the end of this site.
1. Full program
2. ”Only” Morning practice
3. Morning practice with some of your chosen drop-in afternoon classes
4. Weekend program
5. Separate drop-in classes
We will have 1-2 batches of Mysore classes on the weekdays mornings starting at 6am (June 24-26) and 1 batch of the afternoon workshops. The led class on Friday will take place at the yoga shala at 6am and 8am. On Saturday (June 28th) we will have 1-2 Mysore batch starting at 7:00am.
Besides the yoga program, we will have dinners, beach hang-out time, surfing, nature walks and trips together (or as you wish), with bigger or smaller groups of students. There is a great opportunity to try surfing as there are surfing schools in every bigger beach in the area.
Mysore Style = Self Led practice with Petri and Wambui’s experienced, sensitive and healing adjustments.Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday mornings
Led Class = On Fridays guided full primary series class. If you are not doing the full Primary series, you can decide when you would like to stop your practice. Modifications and tools are accepted.
Pranayama = Light, simple and beneficial breathing exercises for a deeper understanding about the breath and energy work.
NOTE: Some of the afternoon classes, especially Pranayamas can be held outdoors, if the weather is suitable!
Yoga Shala Odeeixe (before the renovation) “Chai park” next to the Yoga Shala
THE SCHEDULE June 24-28. 2025
The Personal is Political: How Yoga is Political + Why? Debates Miss the Mark on Privilege + Bias
Tuesday 24th
Mysore Style: Starting Times: 06:00 Group 1 // 07:45 Group 2
11:15-12:15 Welcome Circle workshop opening with Petri and Wambui; Getting to know one another + creating safety in the practice
Tea break
12:30-14:00 Afternoon workshop with Wambui: How Yoga is Political
Wednesday 25th
Mysore Style: Starting Times: 06:00 Group 1 // 07:45 Group 2
11:15-12:15 Pranayama + Meditation with Petri: Comfortable, simple and easy pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditations.
Tea break
12:30-14:30 Afternoon workshop with Petri: Awareness on the decisions. Supremacy and Yoga traditions. Spiritual toxicity. Dharmic rules. My Privilege. Compassion and kindness.
Thursday 26th
Mysore Style: Starting Times: 06:00 Group 1 // 07:45 Group 2
Free afternoon
Friday 27th
Led Class Primary Series: Starting time: 06:00 with Petri
Led Class Trauma Informed Yoga. Starting time 8:00 with Wambui
11:15-12:15 Pranayama + Meditation with Petri
11:15-12:15 Pranayama + Meditation with Wambui: Comfortable, simple and easy pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditations. Tea break
12:30-14:00 Afternoon workshop with Wambui: Decolonizing your Yoga Practice for Personal and Collective Healing
Saturday 28th
Mysore Style: Starting Times: 06:00 Group 1 // 07:45 Group 2 (if there will be more than one group)
11:15-12:15 Pranayama + Meditation with Petri
12:30-14:30 Afternoon workshop with Petri: Mantra chanting with indigenous ideals of life. Healing mantras.
14:45-15:30 Workshop closing circle
Yoga Shala Odeceixe:
The shala is located in the middle of the Odeceixe village on R. Estr. Nacional 1, 8670-320 Odeceixe, Portugal. You cannot miss it (Google maps)
We have all gender dressing rooms and toilet, but we recommend you come to the shala with your practice clothes on. There is no shower at the shala. As the village is very small, it is easy to walk to the shala wearing your practice clothes and take shower after the practice at your guest house or other type of accommodation.
Yoga Shala Odeceixe has wooden floor. Yoga mats and blocks are available. Anyhow we recommend bringing your own mats to keep good hygiene and make sure that you have a mat which you like.
Next to the yoga shala there is a mini market, bakery and our Chai park where you can sit under the local “holy” tree and sip your well deserved Chai tea (or herbal tea). The village’s coffee shops and restaurants are just around the corner for the breakfast, hang outs and meals.
Petri and Wambui are offering treatments during the workshop. Wambui is giving Chavutti Thirumal (massage by foot press) treatments and Petri is giving Energy healing / bone setting treatments. Please let us know if you are interested and we can book a time.
Small Yoga Shop downstairs by the office we are selling local natural products.
Our Teaching method:
We follow and respect the Ashtanga Vinyasa system as taught by T. Krishnamacharya and K. Pattabhi Jois, but are aware the harm their teaching method have caused.
We center each individual practitioner and their unique needs and capabilities. We do not follow a dogmatic, ‘one size fits all’ approach to the Ashtanga method. Our aim is for healing, both the physical and spiritual; acceptance and freedom. We’re open to discussing your individual Ashtanga practice and find ways how the method can be customized for your needs. Please feel open to sharing anything with us which might affect your practice at the moment (i.e. injuries, childbirth, etc).
Physical Adjustments + Informed Consent:
While the assumption in the Mysore room is that people come for physical adjustments, we practice asking for permission before physically adjusting you. Consent is crucial and non-negotiable. If you’re happier not to be physically adjusted during your asana practice, we respect this choice as well. We will check in on a regular basis regarding consent to being physically adjusted. Some days you may want to be adjusted and other days not, and we welcome this. Feel free to be yourself and find your own way to practice Ashtanga. We are here to help you in your yoga process.
Our Big Why:
We believe the practice of yoga can heal the world, both on and off the mat. We also understand yoga to contain wisdom for both individual self- transformation and collective, societal progress. In this spirit, we are survivor-centric and survivor-oriented, and abuse, sexual assault, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. This is a caste protected space and we do not subscribe to casteist beliefs or practices. We recognize our aspiration for our yoga spaces to feel welcoming and warm for anyone who wishes to take practice. We continually contemplate how we can make our yoga spaces braver and more accessible to all, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, caste, sexual identity, class, age, nationality, immigrant status, disability etc. Our workshop follows braver space guidelines.
Mental Health Disclaimer:
Yoga can be an effective and beneficial tool for reaching a more peaceful state of mind, managing stress better and getting physically well. Our workshops and retreats are designed for people with normal physical and mental conditions. If you are on medication, are currently taking (or have taken) therapy and/or counseling, or have any known mental condition(s) that would in any way hinder your participation in a workshop or retreat, please inform us, as well as your doctor/therapist before registering. We do not provide any specialist therapy or counseling at our workshops/retreats who would be able to help, should the need arise. If a student’s behaviour causes disruption for other workshop participants and the teachers, he or she will be requested to stop participating in the workshop and to seek appropriate help. In such a situation, we do not offer refunds, but are available to provide any documents necessary for insurance claims.
Workshop Fees: (including 23% vat)
Full workshop June 24-28 with 4 Mysore mornings, Friday’s Led class and all afternoon sessions 300 €/week
Weekend June 27-28 with 1 Mysore morning and one Led class (Friday) & afternoon sessions 150€
Single classes (Mysore or Led), possible if there will be space in the shala 35 €
Single classes (Afternoon Techniques), possible if there will be space in the shala 50€
Single class (Lectures), possible if there will be space in the shala 25€
Single class (Pranayama or Meditation), possible if there will be space in the shala 20€
Workshop opening and closing on Tuesday and Sunday Free of change
Cancellation policy:
In case of cancellation the payment is not refundable after June 12th 2025. Before June 12th 2025, a full refund (minus 20€ for management costs) is given. Please email your bank account number for the refund if needed.
Shala / Workshop discounts*
Local Students with a 10 x practice card to Yoga Roots ODX – 50% from the original workshop price
Local Odeceixe Portuguese citizens – 40%
Portuguese citizens – 30%
Disabled Practitioners – 30%
BIPOC, Caste-oppressed Practitioners – 15%
LGBTQIA2S+ – 15%
Single parents – 15%
Portuguese Residents – 15%
Students (15 – 30), Parents on leave (up to 18 months) & Retired (65+) – 15%
For the students with a low income we are offering a Volunteer exchange option (below).
*When registering, please send us proof of your discount (ie. student or disability card). Otherwise, we use the honor system and invite you to be transparent with us regarding your reason for a discounted tier.
Voluntary help at the fruit tree garden, herbal garden or park. Voluntary workshop exchange option for 2-3 students per workshop. Please ask more if you are interested.
Why discounts?
We believe the practice of yoga can heal the world, both on and off the mat. We have witnessed the wisdom contained within the tradition of yoga for both individual self- transformation and collective, societal progress. In this spirit, we recognize our aspiration for our yoga spaces to feel welcoming and warm for anyone who wishes to take practice. We continually contemplate how we can make our yoga spaces safer, welcome and more accessible to all, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, caste, sexual identity, class, age, nationality, immigrant status, disability etc.
One way we aspire to live by our yogic ideals is around economic accessibility. Yoga should not be a luxury only for those who can afford it. Yoga must be made accessible, both economically and culturally, for those who most need it. Based on our individual social locations and whether these identities are proximal to, or distant from, power and privilege, we recognise that institutionalized oppression, visible and invisible, recognizable or hidden, affects how some people are seen, heard and valued in society. How some are afforded rest and ease and others are not.
How some can breath with peace.
And how, for others, their breath gets stolen from them, both literally and figuratively.
We wish to balance the scales.
Starting with our circle of influence in our yoga space.
If you identify as more than one on the list above, please choose the tier that is most essential for you to tend to. We recognize that some of you may embody multiple, intersecting identities of marginalization, and would be eligible for multiple discounts. We also acknowledge that there are several more intersections not mentioned that require care and equity. While we aim to extend as much community care out, we must also protect our energy output and ensure our livelihood and needs as a family are also honored.
For those who embody social locations close(r) to societal privilege and power, this is an invitation to be in active solidarity with others who move through society differently than you. We are sensitive to the fact that life is hard for us all. Being human is hard. However, there are many experiences that are facilitated for one based on any number of factors, and having privilege often means that we don’t need to notice the ways structures are set up in our favor. We invite you to pay the full price with a generous spirit. Equity, meaning everyone getting what they need, for those who have enjoyed privilege might sometimes feel like oppression.
In this moment, breathe, slow down and tend to yourself with care and honest accountability.
Fannie Lou Hamer is known to have said, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” We are all needed to get where we need to be, as an inter-species. Let’s start embodying this interdependence and interconnection with one another.
Side by side.
Both on and off the yoga mat.
May all beings get what they need to be well, cared for and tended to.
May our actions bring us one step closer to making it so.
Payment Options:
1. Bank transfer (most recommended)
Account details:
Yoga Roots Odeceixe, LDA
Bank: Credito Agricola
NIB: 0045 7021 40370695571 12
IBAN: PT50 0045 7021 4037 0695 5711 2
Odeceixe June 24-28 2025, Your Name and what you are paying..Full program/Only Mornings/Weekend etc.
2. Cash payment to Petri or Wambui before the first Yoga class
3. Low cost international transfer
Low fees transfers about 3€ each transfer (please add that to the final amount)
Some students has been using this transfer and the commission is much lower than in PayPa or Bank transfer from outside the Europe..especially if you are paying from the US or Asia.
Odeceixe June 24-28 2025, Your Name and what you are paying (ie Full program/Only Mornings/Weekend etc).
All questions and information: email Petri (praisanen@yahoo.com) + Wambui (wambui@wambuinjuguna.com)
Looking forward to spend a beautiful weeks in Odeceixe, Portugal
Petri and Wambui
Yoga Roots Odeceixe, LDA
Rua da Estrada Nacional, n°1,
Odeceixe, 8670-320, Portugal
Tax code (NIF) 517368803 (Portugal)