Additional workshops

Additional Workshops 

Petri Raisanen’s Energy Healing Workshop on the first and second weeks and Hands on Adjustments Workshop on the third and fourth weeks. 150€/full week. The First short week will be 50€ (for two days).

Miss Nhong’s Thai Massage/Healing workshop on the second week Jan 13-17 Monday till Friday (8000 Baht for Miss Nhong)

Energy Healing Workshop – opening the senses towards the prana (energy) and hidden states of mind

We will practice several energy-healing techniques in the Finnish tradition which Petri learned from master healers, Pentti Penttilä, Pentti Mäkelä and Raimo Holtti. The techniques come from the ancient Finnish healing tradition called Jäsenkorjaus (bone or limb setting) and is, in many parts, similar to osteopathy. Some of the techniques used in this tradition involve giving physical adjustments, energy healing, herbal healing, wet and dry cupping and healing with power words (similar with mantras). The workshop will cover mainly the energy healing part with few gentle physical adjustments for the feet and ankles.

Petri started studying Energy healing in Kaustinen, Finland in 1986. In addition to teaching yoga, Petri worked as a folk healer and naturopath and ran a natural treatment business in Helsinki, Finland from 1991-1998.

The energy-healing techniques are based on sensing and locating the blocks in the flow of energy throughout the body. We approach the more subtle layer of the body, beyond the physical, and work on releasing energy blocks, using the most natural tools available: our mind, senses and the energy itself.

Students do not need any previous energy-healing experience or special skills to join in the workshop.

Subjects covered in this workshop:

Energy healing:
– How to sense prana (energy) and the energy body
– How to recognize the energy blocks in the energy body
– How to channel prana to support the healing process
– How to do energy and physical healing techniques
– How to give long and short-distance energy healing
– How to combine energy-healing techniques with asana adjustments
– How to recognize pain without touching the body
– How to move the body without physical touch (mental hypnosis)
– How to balance your own energy after the healing work

Hands on Adjustments – More than just a physical support

The main theme in this course is built on the idea that adjustments are more than just physical support for the yoga positions. The ideal yoga adjustment incorporates the aspects that make up the Ashtanga yoga tradition – along with a teacher’s knowledge and life- experience – combined with a therapeutic touch, healing treatment and the love of giving. This is the recipe to establishing a safer practice space and long-term trust between the student and teacher while developing the practice naturally, as the body and mind slowly open up and obstacles are removed. Every adjustment will be safe and gentle, but at the same time deep and effective. Without an understanding of the body, psychology, posture technique, alignment, breath and movement of prana, it is not possible to accomplish a good adjustment.

In this course, we will cover the most important and utilized adjustments found in the primary and intermediate series of Ashtanga yoga. The poses, vinyasa, breathing and drishti follow in the tradition of K. Pattabhi Jois, as it was taught in Mysore, India in the end of Pattabhi Jois’ life in 2005-2009.

Students don’t need any previous adjustment or teaching experience to join in the workshop.

Subjects covered in this workshop:

– Safe and effective adjustments for the yoga poses in the primary and intermediate series
– The history of yoga adjustments
– The art of the fulfilling and gentle touch
– The three body-mind types according to Ayurveda (kapha, pitta, vata) and how to work with them
– How to recognize the student’s physical and mental limits and capabilities
– How to combine asana-adjustment techniques with energy healing
– The vinyasa-counting technique
– Correct pronunciation of the Sanskrit asana names, numbers and mantras 

Miss Nhong’s Thai Massage/Healing workshop.

Miss Nhong is a local healer who has a great understanding about the body, energy and traditional Thai healing methods. There will be 5 minimum two hour classes (usually 2.5-3 hours) on the third week (Jan 13-17 Monday till Friday). Most of the classes will be held at Miss Nhong’s Healing centre. Highly recommended if you are interested about healing, therapy and Thai tradition. 8000 Thai Bhat (to be paid to the teacher in cash).